Saturday, August 16, 2014

Stretch What Matters Yoga and Bangalore India

This past year, Stretch What Matters Yoga reached several children across the world with special needs. The photo above is especially dear to me - as it is a reminder that the power of peace is limitless. To think that I once struggled with the idea of sharing the gift of yoga with others because I am only one person is now a distant memory. Peace can begin with you while the power of peace will take on a life force far beyond the scope of your imagination.

Meet Hannah Weinstock (photo above), an undergraduate at the Columbia University in the City of New York. This summer, Hannah interned at the Center for Child Development and Disabilities ( and their accompanying school in Bangalore India. She brought with her - the Stretch What Matters Yoga System

The clinic focuses on early diagnosis and intervention through a comprehensive system consisting of initial assessment, and follow up therapy (occupational, physical, special education etc.). Developmental/mental disorders are still very new in India, making clinics like CCDD and special education programs very hard to find. Many of the families who came to the clinic had traveled for days from rural villages where there is a complete absence of services, having to make the difficult decision of whether or not to pack up everything and move into the city to provide their child with the appropriate care (which is usually very costly as special education is still not a part of public education as it is here in the states). The director of the clinic, Nandini Mundkur, aims to increase awareness for such disabilities through her website, pamphlets and conferences, providing parents with the necessary tools to recognize early warning signs and at-home therapy routines. 

As an intern, I observed the work being done at the clinic, comparing it to the work being done in the US, finding that it is surprisingly very similar! All the same tests are used, just with slight cultural adjustments. I found that the yoga set was extremely helpful in occupational therapy as a way of practicing direction following, color recognition, turn taking and body awareness. The kids absolutely loved it as it was a great change from the normal routine. 

Stretch What Matters is honored to be part of CCDD - an organization making a powerful difference in the lives of children with special needs and their families.

To learn more about Stretch What Matters, visit
To learn more about CCDD in Bangalore India, visit

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